Summer is a time for lemonade and vacations. We haven't had much of
either, but it may seem that we've vacationed from blogging to some. To
make up for our absence, over the new few weeks, we hope to bring you a
glimpse of images and posts from recent work and projects.
we were super surprised to see what we are sharing with you. As avid
fans of interior design, one of our favorite local stores is Z Gallerie.
We've furnished quite a bit of our home with many of their pieces. So
anyway, randomly out of the blue, Khris sends me a text that says:
"Carla, check the email I sent you…NOW!" I perused my email in
anticipation and curiosity to discover the attached campaign from Z
Gallerie, complete with a Timeless Photojournalism interior product
picture!! What! Are you joking? Crazy…random…awesomesauce! What a way to end the month of July! Now if we can just find time for that lemonade and vacation! #summersurprises #byejuly #helloaugust #zgallerie #timelessphotojournalism