Valentine's Day has come and gone, but the memories that last forever are those sweet moments that you cherish together with your family, spouse, friends, special person in your life, and of course, your children.
This Valentine's Day, we "celebrated" in the more formal sense of the holiday. Traditionally, we celebrate the holiday every day! But this year, Khris wanted to do something a little extra for our now preschool daughter, Raegan. She's very aware of the Valentine's holiday and Khris says, "I can't let some dude eventually out gift me." He went out and bought our little princess some really sweet gifts, but the one that stands out to me most are the beautiful pink roses.
From the photos below, we hope you get a sense of how sweet the memory of the holiday should be not only on February 14, but everyday of the year.
Here's to beauty in everything, living February 14 everyday, and being inspired by a Daddy's love....

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